The things we do, the places we go, and the people we meet -- all in this adventure of childhood, parenthood, and familyhood.
Friday, November 30, 2007
White trash?
It's not what you think.
Today is a rainy day which in California means it's WINTER! Rainy days remind me of 'Thumbs-up Seven-up', hot cocoa, and boring videos teachers would dredge up to keep us entertained.
I love rainy days. Don't want it to last all week - but any change in weather brings excitement and a chance for new adventure! Kids add to that excitement and the ultimate enjoyment! It gives me a chance to move down the alphabet from my Type A personality.
The only snag in my plans is that my talent is not always able to create what my mind envisions.
Case and point: Rain + splashing = awesome play Trash bag + Shelly = raincoat? Not so much...
Still the boys had fun which is the whole point!
Walker wouldn't wear his 'trashcoat' so he did not get to stay out in the rain.
Afterwards they both got to hop in the nice warm bath and then climb into dryer warmed clothes.
Kids are funny. If only I had the time (and the memory!!) to get down everything that my boys do and say on an hourly basis.
Walker's language is just developing at an awesome rate so not one day goes by that he hasn't picked up some choice words or phrases. The word 'no' is a big, well no-no, for him right now and he can tell you who told him no, when and why.
Never one to be short of words Will has us trying not to laugh most days. Kind of hard to discipline when your three year-old is making a good point! Today he had a time-out at preschool and when I asked him why he said 'Because Mrs. Jackson wasn't listening to me.' I said, well were you listening to her? He remarked, 'No because she wasn't listening to me and I was telling her I wasn't ready to leave the playground yet.'
Here are some more funnies from this week:
Will: 'You just do that KK!' (In response to some idle threat she made while in the car)
Walker: 'You are trouble Mom!'
(At Sea World) Me: 'Wow Will. Look at that walrus swimming.' Will: 'Shhh Mom. I'm looking for his penis.'
Walker: 'You said no to me Mom. That's not very good.' (While fake crying)
Will singing only the chorus to Jingle Bells 33 times in a row.
Walker: 'I'm not Shamu. You're Shamu.' (I'll try not to take it personally)
Will: 'Are you listening to me Mom? Are you? Are you? I'm not sure you are!"
Will & Walker asking, insistently, to have the Jimmy Buffett edition of Jingle Bells played. They especially love when he asks, 'Hey Santa, what you got in that big burlap sack for me? A present?'. (Thank heaven for childhood naivete!)
Grandma KK: 'Will, what was your favorite part of Sea World?' (We went yesterday - pics to come!) Will: 'The fans.'
Patti (his great-aunt): 'You and Walker need to come and visit. Get your cute buns over to my house this week." Will: 'Pat, don't you have your own buns? You need to buy your own hot dog buns for your house. We're not going to bring ours over.'
At this point in our lives the boys don't have any official cousins. I guess 'official' depends on who you are asking - but what I mean is any direct cousins with which they can play. Sorry Michelle, but Alium is not quite big enough!
Fortunately they have second cousins!! Especially ones like Liza and Landon. Liza and Landon are the children of my cousin Sarah and her hubby Tyler.
We have had a picture of Liza on our fridge for most of the boys' lives. When Will was learning how to talk he would talk to Liza on our fridge...and up until a week ago he still thought Liza was a cute 1 year-old in her pink dress. Well she is still very much cute - but no longer one and no longer in a pink least not this day!
Sarah and her kids were in town for the Thanksgiving holiday. We took advantage of them being here to do some much needed bonding. Sarah and I have always (well, I'll speak for myself) been fond of each other, but never close. We are both at new, and similar chapters, in our lives and have found a new kinship. I cannot even say how excited I was to see her and chatting and let the kids play.
It was a hoot! The kids played like they always do - with one eye on the toys they were playing with and the other eye on the other kids. It took Will and Liza a little bit of time to warm up - pretty normal - but I suspect that given even more time they'd have been best friends. Sarah, in her ever-creative-mommy role, got them playing a game outside. What fun to see our children play together. Not to mention to see Sarah as a mom.
Liza is a vivacious little girl! She wanted me to notice her Princess Aurora hair (I had to ask who that was!), she put on a little modeling show, and cracked me up with her conversation! I could have a whole afternoon with Miss Liza and no doubt be smiling the whole time.
Landon was so refreshing! He is a happy-go-lucky little man. And he really is a little man. He looks so much like his Dad that it took me back a couple of times. He toddled around the house. It wasn't until 1/2 way through the visit that Sarah mentioned he did not feel good - you could have fooled me! Wish that everyone could have such a good-natured one.
Sarah and I got to sit (mostly) and chat, and finally catch up on some of the things we've missed out on, the life lessons we are both learning, and the myriad of parenting experiences we have had in just four years!
After lunch we headed outside to let the kids have a popsicle. Liza decided to show will 'Bert'. Bert is the pool cleaner, who to Liza (and now Will), is actually alive and lives on the bottom of the pool. She and Will had a great time watching it swim around the pool. She told me everything that he eats and even when he sleeps.
Spending time with their family just made me so grateful that as adults we understand that we can change dynamics. Certainly Sarah and I, and our kids, could live life without a relationship with one another. I am grateful that she and I made the time to change that.
I did a post like this on my blog on William's second birthday. In the middle of a busy autumn schedule for the Bennion Family, Walker's birthday, though not forgotten, got a little lost in the details. I was thinking about him today as he and his older brother have been spending the weekend at Uncle Neal and Aunt Meleah's place.
The weekend of his birthday we all made a quick unexpected trip up to Utah because his great grandpa (PaBob) was in the hospital. So we jettisoned plans of a big Thomas the Tank Engine party round the pool and drove through the night to Utah. While we were up there we ate his Thomas the Tank Engine birthday cake that we packed up in one of the Stow and Go compartments in our car. He got his first drum set (which I have a sneaking suspicion won't be his last). We enjoyed the unexpected opportunity to share his birthday with Grandma Steph and his aunts and uncles in Utah. They spoiled him wonderfully with love and attention and everyone had a grand time.
I love this kid and unfortunately he gets lumped in with Will and not recognized for his unique and wonderful qualities.
I love the way he cuddles... especially with his mom.
I love the way he wakes up and crawls into our bed.
I love that when he smiles it feels like a blast of sunshine.
I love the way his body carries on the conversation that his vocabulary fails to.
I love that in his world everything is a drum.
I love that he would eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I love the way he asks me for a story.
I love the way he sings (especially his ABC's - see below)
And most of all I love that he is everyday the wonderful surprise that he has been from the start.
I have been wanting to post this video for a long time - but with all of the other fun and adventures we've had, I have always had something else to post!
However - tonight is one of those kick-back nights where I find myself trying to find something to do. Oh sure I'm doing the laundry, just cleaned out the fridge, and got the boys to bed...but still, I'm a tad bored. Maybe it's because Eric is working late and we usually do crosswords, watch a movie, or yap our ears off.
So here we go - now you all get treated to this magical video! Both Will and Walker are at phases in their life where their imaginations are wild with activity and their learning ability is ripe. I LOVE it. This is the best time to be a parent - and an observer.
In August Eric and I put the boys down for a nap - and decided to do our favorite activity...OH GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF THE GUTTER! We played Trivial Pursuit. It is by far one of my favorite games...even though Eric kicks the patootie out of me every time.
During the game Will woke up from his nap - came out and joined us. Within a few minutes of watching he was ready to take over. And here is what happened (watch round 2 if you are short on time):
Many of you have asked me for information about Celiac Disease.
I am working on a letter for friends and family - but until all of the services for my Grandpa are over I am focused on other things.
However, a friend sent me the link for a video on YouTube. Can I just say...I LOVE YouTube! I mean, there are even videos of people cooking gluten-free food! There is a great one for Thanksgiving stuffing! You know what I'll be watching as we near the holidays!
This video is a clip from the TV show The View. One of the hosts, Elizabeth, has Celiac Disease and brought one of the leading Celiac medical professionals, Dr. Peter Green.
If you really want to understand Celiac - watch the entire thing. Otherwise, just watch the first two minutes for a good introduction!
I am SO glad that we caught this with Will so early!!
How were we ever to know what, in only eight short years, we would learn, encounter, and change?
How were you to ever know that in your short thirty-two years you would be reborn a million times?
You once told me Eric that your song for me would be Billy Joel's You're My Home. I have searched high and low for a song that fits what I wish to say, I must borrow yours for you. When you look into my eyes and you see the crazy gypsy in my soul it always comes as a surprise when I feel my withered roots begin to grow.
Well I'll never be a stranger and I'll never be alone wherever we're together that's my home.
What a thrill to be part of your life, to share children with you, and to forge a future with you.
Imagine what the next thirty-two years will be like!
Thank you for all you have given to us in this chapter.
Happy Birthday Eric/Daddy/Pumpkinhead!
(pictures from Eric's GF birthday breakfast with the boys)
I posted this already on the site for my Grandparents - but wanted to post it here as well. In case you don't know my family - my Grandparents had six children (some are mentioned below): Gene, Dory, Kaye (my Mom), Patti, Mark, and Steven.
Family & Friends,
Thank you so much to those of you who could join us on Saturday for Grandpa's funeral.
It was such a tender and honest memorial to a man who touched so many people's lives.
We met as a family - after the morning viewing - to say our goodbyes. Gene led us in a family prayer which put our hearts at rest.
The meeting was started with a song, sung by a dear friend of Grandpa's, Simon Bolivar. It was soft, yet powerful and set a nice tone for the meeting.
Steven gave the invocation. It was moving to watch him as he signed - his hands gently asking for comfort for the grieving and guidance for the speakers. It would have been apparent what he was saying by the very movements of his hands, face, and body and was confirmed by the words his wife Krista relayed.
Mark spoke next reflecting on the moments from Grandpa's life that he might want us to remember. Mark was humorous and sweet - and included many traits of Grandpa that had us all laughing and crying. It was tender to see him read his notes, smile with a memory, and then share those thoughts through his own tears and laughter.
Patti followed Mark reflecting on the life that Grandpa led. She touched on three things that she knew he would want remembered: 1) his love for Grandma, 2) his love of family and, 3) his unbelievable work ethic. She was right when she said that Grandpa 'would get as close to people as they would let him'.
The speaker portion of the program paused as we were treated to the amazing talent of Sarah(Mark's daughter). Playing Grandpa's favorite song, Clair de Lune, she guided our minds to experiences we had with him.
After Sarah we were treated - and I do mean treated - to remarks by Grandpa's younger brother Garth. Garth and Grandpa were the best of friends growing up, a bond that continued through their life. Garth touched on the man he knew, and the gospel that Grandpa cherished.
We sang as a congregation - a song which include the fitting lyrics - 'When such a friend from us departs, We hold forever in our hearts a sweet and hallowed memory'.
Doug(Patti's husband) closed the meeting and prepared us all to let go of Grandpa at his burial.
Below is the life story video that was played at Grandpa's viewings. It is eight minutes long so if you want to watch it, pull up a chair and relax.
Thank you again for all your words, letters, calls, and shows of love. He was truly an amazing man, one who will be missed.
Well Halloween has descended upon us! I have always loved Halloween but there is just something spooktacular about watching your kids enjoy the holidays. This one is no exception.
Eric and I struggled with choosing costumes for the boys - and they themselves were no help! We went to the stores, trying to find the right ones, only to have the boys fall in love with one, then see another and run to it!
So, even though it has been a long week, Eric and I decided to MAKE the costumes. This led us to multiple late nights, including one with only three hours of sleep!
It was SO worth it.
Walker was a train - the Walker Express! (He later informed us that his train was sad! We didn't even notice until he pointed it out!)
Will was a plane - the Wee Willy II! (The Wee Willy II is based off a real plane with the same name that he loves at the Chino Air Museum)
We got to pay a visit to Grandma KK's school where they kids were doing their Halloween parade and party.
Grandma KK and Papa took the boys Trick-or-Treating to the neighbors. We then spent the evening at the Halloween Festival in downtown. We were a little late, but it was still lots of fun. Walker spent most of the time freaked out by everyone -even the giant blow up toys!
Will, E, and Will's Monster Face
It's not a pumpkin, it's a Jack-o-Lantern!
The best part of the day was watching the boys play and play in their costumes. I'm so proud of Eric and I for doing this together! What a memory!