Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fab Five Tag!

My cute cousin Ilise tagged me! This is technically our family blog...but I thought you all might like to read it. Here you go:

FIVE Things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. I had just started working for Kaplan. Who knew I'd be there for almost 8 years!
2. I met Eric for the first time ten years ago January.
3. Was trying to get over a broken heart by shamelessly flirting with a guy in my French class.
4. Got my third piercings in my ears. Not sure how to say that correctly...
5. Living with my cousin and my best friend Shelly in our cute apartment with matching chair cushions and window coverings.

FIVE Things I was doing 5 years ago...
1. Working at Kaplan - now as the Utah Area Director.
2. Getting ready for my first trip to Chicago!
3. Enjoying Eric and my new apartment in downtown SLC. Hardwood floors, high ceilings, and a little bit of architectural flair!
4. Celebrating our third anniversary!
5. Meeting Melissa and Rob at Fat Cats for bowling and Dance-Dance Revolution. (Ok, my memory isn't serving me too well - Melis, was this five years ago already?!?!?)

FIVE Things I would do if I became millionaire...
1. Pay off our bills.
2. Buy a beach house and then rent it out.
3. Move us to Hong Kong and then worry about jobs.
4. Meet with an awesome financial advisor and turn that million into more.
5. Donate to a few select charities, and then start my own non-profit.

FIVE Jobs I've had...
1. Waitress at Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse (my name was Wildflower...fitting eh?)
2. Client Services at People Helping People (my non-profit would be like this! I love this place)
3. Area Director for Kaplan Test Prep (not to mention KSA, Marketing Manager, and Center Manager before that. I worked there a long time y'all.)
4. Special Orders Desk for the U of U Medical Bookstore
5. Client Services for an employment agency.

FIVE Snacks I enjoy...
1. tortilla chips
2. grapes
3. chocolate chip rice cakes
4. peanut butter
5. Key Lime or Orange Creme Yoplait

FIVE Places I've lived...
1. Avenues, SLC, UT
2. Huckelhoven, Germany (ok, it was only three months...still)
3. Millcreek, SLC, UT
4. Fontucky, CA
5. G-town

FIVE Things I did yesterday...
1. Talked on the phone with TJ.
2. Worked out for two long hours at the gym.
3. Watched an online episode of Eli Stone (love that show!)
4. Had an awesome 'single' night as the Mocktress at Ann's Mocktail Party! (So fun!)
5. Was so tired that I fell asleep w/o washing my face!

FIVE Things I hate doing...
1. Cleaning out the fridge.
2. Listening to Walker pitch a fit (as he is doing in his bed right now)
3. Being late.
4. Being judgemental. Yeah, I have my moments.
5. wearing socks.

FIVE Biggest joys of the moment...
1. Knowing that when Walker needs to use the bathroom he'll tell me or he'll do it by himself.
2. Having gone to the gym almost every day in the last three months. Even if I haven't lost weight....
3. Will being in the phase where he wants me (or Eric) to spell words all the time for him.
4. Having spent the day with my kids and hubby at Chinatown. And meditating for good things to come.
5. Reading two books this week and pushing through one right now.

And I've seen lots of people do this tag - but I don't think I've seen Ali do it yet! So I'll tag her and if anyone else does it, let me know so I can come read it!!



At March 30, 2008 at 12:42 PM , Blogger Andrea said...

Fun to get you know a little better!

At March 30, 2008 at 4:00 PM , Blogger Walker said...

It is crazy that we meet 10 yrs ago! Those were some fun times! Hey about you going to the gym, good for you!! If you are not losing weight, you are probably toning up and feeling better about yourself, so good job! Also, what book are you on right now?

At March 30, 2008 at 8:26 PM , Blogger Albanie said...

I just learned tons about you! I love those 5 tagged things for that reason! You've got Walker trained?? No fair! We tried and I quit! I have to try again sometime soon and I'm dreading it!

At March 31, 2008 at 8:45 PM , Blogger Susan said...

I did not know you lived in Fontucky! Something we have in common...

At April 1, 2008 at 5:31 PM , Blogger amelia said...

I'm impressed with your awesome book reading!


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