Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Toilet Seat Confessions

For the past two weeks we've been visiting family (and squeezing in a few friends) in Utah. We had a glorious time. I've had the good intentions of blogging all about our trip since we got back on Saturday...but well, you know life!

Turns out Walker caught a bit of a stomach flu bug. Nasty stuff. Monday was a rough day. We thought he was past it yesterday - he was even riding his bike around outside! Early this morning when he crawled in our bed we were told otherwise. We weren't really told...but you can paint the picture yourself.

Today he's been pretty mellow, which if you know his you know isn't normal. One good part is that he is extra cuddly.

Another good thing is that potty time with Walker is like taxi-cab confessional. He sits and tells fables of his day, and every once and a while he admits to something he has done in the past day or two. Today he was full of confessions.

"Um Mama. Yesterday Weeyam (that's what William sounds like) and I. Um. Um. Weeyam said poopoo. That's a bathroom word."

"Mama. Mama. Mama. I took your camera. I took pictures"

"One day Weeyam, he said no to me"

And the list goes on. It was hilarious!

This afternoon, before 'rest' time, he asked if he could take a bath. He was so incredibly tired that he laid down in the bathtub.

And, as the water was draining, he fell asleep. Glad I was in there!


At June 5, 2008 at 6:09 AM , Blogger Albanie said...

I just happened to check your blog out today and I guess you guys are up and running! Sorry that Walker is not feeling good. That's so cute that he confesses everything to you on the toilet. Ha!

At June 12, 2008 at 9:27 AM , Blogger amelia said...

How did my trusty Google Reader pick up on the fact that you updated?

Glad you had a fun trip. I am DYING that Walker fell asleep in the tub. That is great.


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