Thursday, February 28, 2008

The BEST idea!

I'm not sure who gave me this idea...but I think it was my cute cousin Sarah. It really came in handy this week after the boys and I watched a neighbor's house get painted. Since that day they have been asking to 'paint' the house. In the deep recesses of my mind I remember someone (see above) telling me that one of the best things is to give kids a paint brush and water. The water changes, at least temporarily, the appearance of whatever gets painted.

Will and Walker spent almost an hour outside painting yesterday! They were thrilled. They were even more thrilled when the water dried and they realized they had to 'repaint' something!

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A high horse...

How would you feel if you heard that everyone in your parents bought each of your siblings a new car...but not you?

What if you walked into a room where everyone was laughing, only to stop when you arrived, and everyone refusing to say what the laughter was about?

What if you found out that everyone, but your child, in preschool was given a gift?

No one likes the 'everyone but you' scenario. Unless you are part of the everyone. And even then it is still a little uncomfy. No one likes being excluded. I would also venture to guess most people don't like to purposefully exclude people.

I got a call while at the gym from Will's preschool teacher, Mrs. W. One of the other students in class had brought Rice Krispy Treats for the class. Mrs. W wanted to make sure he could have one. Rice Krispy treats sound guileless but they are made with malt flavoring, which is made from barely, which means it is a big fat NO for Will.

While I was thrilled that the teacher called to ask permission, I found myself focused on the frustration that I felt. The frustration seems to stem from two places:

(a) that my child has a world of necessary 'nos'. I am not against saying no (I'm actually quite fond of boundary setting) but rather that these 'nos' are not everyone's. Not every parent has to say no to Rice Kripsy treats while most say an adamant no to a child's suggestion of putting a fork in a socket. You get the drift...

(b) that even though I provided a note to each parent, asking them to call me if they were bringing a treat to class, this somehow slipped through the cracks. Situations like this do not need to happen. Had I known I could have easily whipped up some GF Rice Krispy treats so that Will could have one too. So he wouldn't be left out...

Even I type I realize that I am not making considerations for the other parent. Maybe they never got my note, maybe they forgot my number, or maybe they looked on the box, saw that it didn't list wheat, and figured it was safe!

I guess, in the end, my frustration really lies with the fact that this exclusion is just the first. It won't really matter whose fault it is, or what the actual exclusion is...rather that just by nature of Will having Celiac it will happen.

Feeling frustrated and out-of-control doesn't really work for me. Let's turn my frown upside down, shall we say! I'm not asking for pity...I'm going to hope that my post today has inspired those of you who read it to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Make yourself more aware of food allergies and intolerances that surround you. Don't judge (what's to judge!) or ignore...but figure out how you can work with them. Most parents don't expect you to work harder (i.e. making gluten-free food) but rather to just give them a heads-up.

Even if it is not with food allergies - there are lots of ways that we exclude others, without even realizing it. Take a second look at something you think you saw right the first time.

(I'm stepping off my high horse least for the time being!)

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Bright Sunshiny Day!

After several days of torrential rain and gloomy skies* (and a weekend of being sick at home) the boys and I took advantage of the absolutely gorgeous weather and headed to our local arboretum. We haven't been there since June of last year and when I looked outside this morning I knew we'd end up there! The picture below is from our June 2007 trip - compare it to the one a few shots down...

The boys were in full adventure mode. We had fun feeding the ducks, hiking through the 'jungle', and eating our lunch by the pond. Moments like these are magical. I think we have them every day, they're just harder to notice when we're in our day-to-day routine.

Looking for turtles...

Look at me Mom!

Yes, it's a mushroom and no you can't eat it.

Does life get any sweeter?

Enjoying some lunch.

Will wanted his own 'bench'.

(The algae is the 'fish' Will caught)

Can I take it home please?

Will taking a business call.
(telling Eric all about our day)

The waterfalls.

The REAL reason I take my kids on adventures...
this is what happens on the way home!

*I do realize that all of you in snowy, blizzardy areas are rolling your eyes right now.*

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another face at Zanzibar!

Recognize those lyrics? Probably not. Eric does though. As he does for ALL Billy Joel songs. We were totally spoiled on Saturday and got to go out to dinner and then to the one-night only Billy Joel concert! My Dad won tickets to the concert and was so excited to send us in his place.

For those of you who don't know Eric and I are both huge Billy Joel fans, with Eric nearing fanaticism. It was an incredible show. We've been as a couple to see him twice (once with Elton John) and Eric has seen him a couple of other times. For Eric, Billy Joel's music is not only a emotional fit, but a religious experience. We always have fun on our date nights, but getting to rock out, watch Eric be overwhelmed by the music, and laugh at Billy Joel's self-deprecating comments was a special treat.
Getting ready to go!

A nice dinner full of adult conversation.

Adult conversation? What's that?

Yes! Adult conversation!
And Billy Joel?!?! It's like Christmas!
Waiting for the show to start!

We didn't take any other pictures inside since I had left my camera in the car and Eric's phone camera wasn't getting good shots. We were in great seats - made even better by the fact that Billy Joel's piano turned to face both directions throughout the night. While Billy Joel looks significantly older the night made me feel like it was 'back in the day'.

So much fun!

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Saturday, February 23, 2008


Afternoons are wonderful things. So are Grandpas.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Vote for Papa Paul!

Caught by a surprise fall storm.
Copyright, Paul Ekstrand

As many of you know my Dad is a photographer - he'd say that he's an amateur photographer but some of his work is more than mere 'dabbling'.

He recently entered a contest through Outdoor Photographer. The contest is in the People Choice voting come on people, let's vote!

Click here to see his picture (which is also above). Below it is a link to vote for his picture. Look around at the others too!

(If the above link doesn't work, go to:, scroll to the bottom of the page where you''ll see 'Winter Photo Contest', follow that link. His photo is on page 216 of the Winter Photo Contest Gallery.)


Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's just another Manic...

Thursday? I don't remember the song going that way. Hum....

Still. It has been a manic Thursday. I guess what I am looking for in writing this blog (off of my normal blog-routine) is some release.

I feel like, overall, I'm a good mom. But today has been one of those days, yes THOSE days. Manic is really the best way to describe it! Kind of like the weather today. It started off chilly with spouts of rain, followed by a few minutes of warm sunshine that made you think there was never rain, and then gray skies clouding over again.

One minute I am playing with the boys, they are laughing, I'm laughing. Then next minute (usually after I've moved on to a project, like dinner) they are throwing things at each other, playing with things around the house they shouldn't, and whining about every little thing. I'm breaking up fights, putting one in cool down, trying to listen to one, trying to calm down one, trying to get one to just stop whining. Rinse and repeat.

And the worst part, and I really do mean the worst part, is that my parents get home and the boys are fine! So when my Mom asks how my day was and I say, 'Manic', I feel crazy even just saying it. I mean, there are my little rays of sunshine on the floor, playing nicely and sharing with each other. Whatever could I be talking about...see they're angels!

'It's just another manic _____, oh ew oh. I wish it was Sunday! 'Cuz that's my fun day. My I don't have to run day. It's just another manic ______'


42 songs and 1.1 hour!

The one CD that I think every family with young kids should own is:

Wiggleworms Love You
by the Wiggleworms

With a logo like that you know it's gonna be something good inside. I found this CD by total accident when looking through the children's CD section at the library. What a find! It is 42 songs (1.1 hour) of pure motherly heaven. I can put these songs on and either dance around with the kids or leave them to their own imaginations. At the moment the boys are running around the kitchen table pretending to be trains as they dance to 'Little Red Caboose'. It has made my day so much better given that it's raining outside!

I've even tested these on other kids. When we have watched friends' kids we put it on and each kid gets a kick out of interacting with the music. I looked online to see if I could find some of the music - but couldn't find it in an (a) legal format or (b) true Wiggleworms music.

So, go to your library and see if they have a copy and check it out!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I did lots of blogging this morning and last night so click the individual links if you want to read about:

The Chinese New Year's Parade

Our Chinese New Year's party

Our Valentine's Day treats

Two (rather long) stories about Momma B causing trouble

A 'Tag' post

Or you could just scroll down - the Chinese New Year parade is the only one that is a few entries back...


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tag I'm it!

My good friend Melissa tagged me to do this last week. I had typed it up but failed to post here goes:

A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. B: Each player answers the questions about themselves. C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

I was a mature (smile) 19 year-old. I was utterly in lust with a certain young man and am not sure I thought about much beyond that. Had just started working for Kaplan (almost to the day). I was living with my friend Shelly and my cousin Leslie. Loved life!


1. Sign Walker up for a dance class. (check!)
2. Go grocery shopping. (no check...)
3. Send in taxes and car registration renewal. (check!)
4. Update family blog. (check!)
5. Spend time with Grandma and get Patti's blog set-up. (check, check!)


1. Blogging (both writing and reading)
2. Reading (ah...I LOVE reading)
3. Playtime. Whether it's Trivial Pursuit with Eric or giving airplane rides to the boys.
4. Laughing. I take laughter any way it comes...even at my own expense.
5. Friends.


1. Pay off debt.
2. Move internationally.
3. Start a non-profit.
4. Hire a personal trainer.
5. Make lots of donations (including an iPod for Eric)


1. I don't take compliments very well.
2. Pulling on my eyebrows.
3. I love to channel surf and not just during commercial breaks :)


1. G-town, California
2. Avenues, Salt Lake City, Utah
3. Huckelhoven, Germany
4. U of U, Salt Lake City
5. Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah


1. Waitress at Pinnacle Peak (yeehaw!)
2. Client Services for an employment agency
3. Area Director for Kaplan Test Prep
4. front desk at a dry cleaning business
5. Client Services for People Helping People


1. For most of my adolescent years I wanted to grow up and be a lawyer.
2. Quitting work and staying home with the kids has been one of the hardest (and best) things I've ever done. Both for myself and my family.
3. I cut my really long hair once after breaking up with a boy. He had loved my long hair.
4. My best friend and I planned my 'surprise' 16th birthday party. My mom still hasn't forgiven both of us for that.
5. I secretly wish I had been a heartbreaker. I dated several guys but did not break any hearts...and kind of wish I had!

3 PEOPLE I TAG seems the people I tag never do it which leads to great disappointment and depression on my end**...sooo....

ANYONE can do this tag. Just let me know you did it so I can check it out.

**sarcasm in case you missed it**


Chinese New Year's Party!

We had our annual Chinese New Year's party this past Saturday! We had so much fun. It was great to have some of our friends and family with us to eat good food, talk a lot, and encourage Eric's inner-Chinese man. Plus, as I mentioned to the party-goers, I am hoping that the God of Fortune will smile down on us and send us some place international...soon!

The goods...

Our offering to Buddha

Curry Vegetables
(my personal favorite anytime!)

Sweet & Sour Pork

Lemon Chicken

The boys attempting chopsticks...

The piece de resistance - gluten-free homemade fortune cookies!
Eric and I had a blast making them.

The party begins!

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I guess it's genetic...

I have so many stories and pictures from the last couple of weeks - but I cannot go on to those without writing down these two stories. I might be opening Pandora's Box, so to speak, but I think I know where the boys get their knack for trouble :)

A few weeks ago...

The boys I went to the gym...a daily event for us. The gym had just started a new policy where only one family at a time can come in, check their child in, and leave. The other parents had to wait outside of the kids' center. From a protective standpoint I completely understand this move...but when you are waiting with excited kids it's a little inconvenient. It's even worse when, after your workout, you are standing behind three other parents in line to pick up your kids and someone walks right past all four of you, past the huge red signs which say 'STOP! ONE PARENT A TIME!', and into the kids' center.

This is exactly what happened to me a few weeks ago. In typical fashion, the other parents and I just kind of stared with dropped jaws at each other, then in at her, and then back at each other. Pretty soon the open mouths started spewing. Each one of us remarking about whether she saw us, whether she knew the rules, how someone should say something, how rude it was, etc, etc. After a few minutes of this I decided that I was going to say something. I have to say, in defense of myself, I usually do not say something. However when someone blatantly breaks the rules, rules that I am frustratingly following, well that really gets me. I had no idea what a dung hole I was stepping in with my decision! I casually walked into the two parent filled kids center, smiled at the offender, and said sweetly, 'I'm not sure if you saw us, but there are four parents out there waiting our turn to come in and get our kids.' She looked at me with a blank face and said 'Oh, I did not see you. I mean, I thought you all already had your kids.' Yes, that was her response. I turned around, having done my duty, and left as the workers tried to explain to her the policy.

Well, it did not stop there. As she left the center she walked right past us, this time with everyone glaring. She said to everyone, 'I did not even seen you'. Well, the fury came. I retorted with 'Yeah, I often get confused for a mannequin.' Well that was all she needed to come unglued. Next thing you know she's yelling across the lobby at me talking about how rude I am, how disrespectful I am, etc. Granted I shouldn't have said what I did. Still, she didn't see us? FOUR adults standing in a line directly leading up to the kids' center? Pluhhheese. Had she, at some point, just said 'Hey, I'm sorry' it would have changed my whole attitude. Next thing I know she's got the manager of the gym trying to calm her down while she explains all the reasons I should not be allowed to come to the gym anymore. I get called over to discuss the problem..which I do rather calmly and with no further sarcasm. He excuses me and talks with the other parents. They confirm what happened and he asks her to let it go and to have a good day. Remember she is doing this the whole time with her non-walking child in her arms. I figure it is all said and done.

I wait my turn to get the boys, take them to the bathroom, talk again with the manager (who apologizes unnecessarily), and open the door. Guess who is waiting for me? YES! I am totally serious. She waited outside and announced 'We are not done talking'. And yes, she still is holding her kid. I almost wanted to look around and ask where the Candid Camera was! I told her that I had nothing to say and that her decision to wait around to talk to me was not a good one. Needless to say the manager fully supported my proposal to not have her at the gym for a while. It was so surreal. Every time I think of it I get the music from West Side Story - only with kids in arms instead of knives! 'When you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way!'


After picking Will up from preschool we headed to our local library. This is a treat for my TV-deprived boys who get to choose a movie every week for their viewing pleasure. It became obvious that Walker needed to use the potty. We went in there luck. luck. Seems, which is common, that his fear of public potties was kicking in. We headed back into the library and while browsing the movies it became even more obvious that Walker had, well given up on waiting to use the toilet. A little frustrated we hurried to check out our books and movies, and went into the bathroom. On the way in the boys expressed their desire to go in the triangle bathroom (the men's sign in a triangle) and not the circle. Pushing open the door I explained that since mommy is a girl I couldn't go into the triangle bathroom and that they would need to come with me.

A few minutes into what became changing the entire bottom half of Walker's clothing (note to other moms, bring a change of underwear, pants, socks and a plastic bag everywhere when potty training), a woman came out of a stall, walked by me and said 'I'm sorry, I thought this was the women's room.' I figured that she had heard part of my conversation with the boys and misunderstood us. I turned to her and said 'Oh, this is the women's room'. She looked at me, right in the eyes, and said 'Well then why are there boys in here?' Ok readers - I cannot even write and explain how flabbergasted I was. is where trouble came...I said, 'Seriously?'

Someone just stop me! I know better than this. Especially since this woman was disheveled and possibly under the influence of something. The 'seriously' just slipped out! This led to the woman telling me to take her seriously, that I was inappropriate to bring 'men' into the ladies' room, and has moved into the building foyer (not directly in the library) where she is expressing her frustration in a loud voice. At this point I'm just done and I retort with how it must take a rocket scientist to figure out why I would take my 3 and 2 year-old into the the bathroom with me. Walker is walking around in his poopy underwear since the library staff has come out to understand the situation. Will is clinging to my leg watching the whole thing unfold. She finally throws herself down on the floor (yes, the floor), exuding hysterics at how humiliating it is to go in a bathroom that has 'men' in it. I still couldn't believe it was happening.

The library administrator did a great job of working with her and seemed to have calmed her down. Though as we were leaving, walking up the stairs that she was laying underneath, I heard her say that she was going to sue the library for allowing men in the ladies room.



Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Treats

Valentine's Day was so much fun! A lot of people are not interested in Valentine's Day and label it as a Hallmark holiday. They aren't wrong. From the huge chocolate covered hearts to the overpriced cards the holiday, like the rest, has gotten out of hand.

Still I will always be in favor of a holiday that promotes the sharing and verbalization of love. Regardless of what tacky card that love might be written in.

At our house we had an abundance of Valentine's excitement...

The boys and I made gluten-free (GF) orange yogurt breakfast muffins for our friends:

and frosting-free GF M&M cupcakes for Will's class:

Will made this adorable Valentine collector in class
and brought it home filled with cute notes and goodies:

I got a package from my uber-talented friend Susan
with some homemade sugar scrub she made:

and surprised me with this incredibly cute wallet
that she sells through her company, Freshly Picked:

Grandma Steph sent the boys a great package with lots of treats. They carried their heart slinkys around all day and colored with their fan crayons after naptime.

One of the highlights was getting to have a Valentine's Day date with Walker at a local bagel shop. He was thrilled to have a chocolate chip muffin with just his mom. He chatted my ear off the entire time and was utterly charming.

The boys then got to spend the evening with Papa, Goosey (who is in town), Aunt Pat, and Uncle Doug. Eric and I had a unique evening spending the first part in therapy (what better way to say I love you? Really!) and then enjoying a nice dinner together. I got gorgeous flowers but forgot to take an individual picture. (You can see them on the table in my Chinese New Year party post.)

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And it starts...

This morning I left the boys at the breakfast table while I ran in to make my bed.

This conversation followed:

Will: "You want me to be the boss?"
Walker: "No, I'm is the boss."
Will: "NO I'M THE BOSS!"
(So I decide to participate, yelling from the bedroom)
Me: "No I'm the boss."
Walker: "Mommy said she's the boss."
Will: "No I'm the boss."
Walker: "No I wanna be boss."
Me: "Walker, you be the boss of you and Will you be the boss of yourself."
Walker: "Ok. I'm is the boss of Walker."
Will: "No I am the boss of EVERYONE."

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sweet things...

For my boys:

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chinese New Year Parade

We had such a good time at the Chinese New Year Parade! I had no idea what to expect and it was better than I could imagine! The boys were so excited all week that the kept asking when we were going to Chinatown.

One of the best parts was watching Walker ride the train. He is in a phase where trains are his sun, moon and stars. My Dad took some great shots of him on the train, as well as the parade, so I'll have to post those when I can get a hold of them!!

Here are some of ours:
Walker & Eric watching the parade start...

Will and his Chinese hand fan

Walker's not sure about the dancing dragons:

Will was most enthused by
the confetti and spent the majority of his time
watching it get thrown and then picking it off the ground
to throw it again:

One of the best parts of the parade, as is always the case, was the people watching. This cute man was standing near us with his wife. He was thrilled to greet anyone and everyone on the floats as they came by...but it was a special delight when any of the Chinese New Year royalty came by on their floats. You'll have to turn your head sideways to watch it, but this is what he'd do:

The parade website said that the parade would go from 2:00pm - 5:oopm. I thought there was no way it would go that long, or that they were marking time from the start at one place and the finish...boy was I wrong! At about 4:00pm we decided to walk around Chinatown. It was fun to see ALL of the people out for a good time.

We decided to forgo trying to get Chinese food IN Chinatown given the crowds. In the end we trekked back to the train station and rode back towards G-town.

In what seemed to be a strange move we decided to celebrate the Chinese New Year at a Mexican restaurant! (Chinese food is hard to find gluten-free!)

The boys were famished and exhausted....a great day was had by all! I'm still hoping that next year we can celebrate the real deal :)

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