Wednesday, July 19, 2006

4 Things To Know About Me: Will-style

ot to be underdone by my younger brother, and given that I am changing just as much as he is, here are the four things I think you should know about me. And unlike Walker I did not need any help from Mom! (though any spelling errors are HER fault!!)

Four Things You Should Know About Me, by WPB.

One (Uno, Un, Yat): I play favorites. Don't be offended if I don't want to sit on your lap, don't want to color with you, or start crying when you make any sort of suggestion that involves me and you versus someone else. I do this with my Mom and Dad. I do it with everyone. I even do it with my food. If you treat me nice, and not just nice but better than anyone else, well then you are my favorite. And you know if you are one of my favorites, don't you. My two favorite things? Peanut butter sandwiches, and me! Good self-esteem, check!

Two (Dos, Deux, Yih): While I might play favorites so that I can get the best bang for my buck- I love my family. I never want to leave Grandma Steph's house, or have Grandma KK there. At night I ask for Papa Paul to read me stories, even when I know he's not here. I remind myself of 'mui cuidado' like Grandpa Karl says so that I'm careful. No one sings songs as good as my Dad and no one makes me feel better after an owie like my Mom. And while he bugs me when he takes my toys, no one makes me laugh as much as Walker.

Three (Tres, Trois, Saam): I am fascinated by how things work. Where Walker is go-go-go with his body I am go-go-go with my mind. I can sit and read book after book after book. I can sit and spin a wheel around and around, just watching it turn. I go through most of the day with each a book, a car, or a puzzle in my hands. I'm easy to babysit (hint, hint) for that reason! I just sit and entertain myself!

Four (Quatro, Quatre, Sei): I am smarter than you (especially you Mom and Dad) give me credit for. Walker surprises people by out-thiking their diversion tactics. I surprise people by out-thinking them. Period. Ask me where Illinois is, or Louisiana. Or one of the other thirty states that I somehow know. Listen to me try to reason with you. Watch me read all of the letters off the freeway signs. You'll be surprised at what I can tell you.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

4 Things To Know About Me: Walker-style

Mom says I've been doing a lot of changing lately. It's true. So we thought it would be a good idea to update you on the four things you should know about me, in case you don't know them already.

Four Things to Know About Me, by WRB

1) Stay out of my way. I know what I want, where I'm going, and how to get there. If you get in my way I'll surprise you with my resourcefulness. I can climb over things, pull myself up, or move you right out of the way. Plus, if I'm really frustrated with trying to get something I'll growl at you.

2) I'm just moments away from walking. I've been walking around with the aid of the stroller, hippo, and stool for the last two months. As soon as I figure out that I'm capable of walking life as my parents now know it will be over. See the above. It will just get better!

3) I don't say any words yet but I mimic almost everything that gets said. It might not sound right but there are the same amounts of syllables and similar phonic sounds. Grandma KK loves it because I say 'What's that' when someone says it to me. Just because you don't understand me doesn't mean I'm not making sense. Mom and Dad sometimes think there is an echo when talking to me. And I just love to 'talk' on the phone!

4) I was aptly named. Walker for the Walker side of my family. They're loud, opinionated, and busy-busy-busy. Ryan for my Uncle who is just like me, except bigger. He's tough and hyper and makes funny bodily noises. He also is just as loving and tender as he is tough - and I love to be cuddled in between my bouts of adventure. I'll climb right up into someones lap to get a hug before I wiggle my way back down to the ground to play. Do you do that too RyRy?

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Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Shell!!

Happy Birthday to Mommy,
Happy Birthday to Mommy,
Happy Birthday dear Mommy.
Happy Birthday to you!

Will and Walker went shopping with me to pick out Shell's birthday gift. I chose my gift and let gave Will some directions for picking out a gift to give Shell from him. I took him to the jewelry aisle and told him to pick one thing. He came back with two. Both anklets. He made the final decision based on the fact that one had a heart and the other did not. Good call Will.

Will and Walker then got to decorate the bag for Shell. We got a picture of the boys with Shell opening their gift but I wish I had pictures of Will trying to choose the gift. It was classic William - he was very deliberate.

Happy Birthday Shell/Momma B.
We love you,
Eric & the boys

PS- for any of you out there who are curious, Shell celebrated the 7th anniversary of her 21st birthday.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Happy Birthday to Mommy,
Happy Birthday to Mommy,
Happy Birthday dear Mommy.
Happy Birthday to you!

Will and Walker went shopping with me to pick out Shell's birthday gift. I chose my gift and let gave Will some directions for picking out a gift to give Shell from him. I took him to the jewelry aisle and told him to pick one thing. He came back with two. Both anklets. He made the final decision based on the fact that one had a heart and the other did not. Good call Will.

Will and Walker then got to decorate the bag for Shell. We got a picture of the boys with Shell opening their gift but I wish I had pictures of Will trying to choose the gift. It was classic William - he was very deliberate.

Happy Birthday Shell/Momma B.
We love you,
Eric & the boys

PS- for any of you out there who are curious, Shell celebrated the 7th anniversary of her 21st birthday.

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Monday, July 10, 2006

Driving Lessons

I bet none of you know what a great diver I am! In fact, until today I did not even know.

But the story of my diving day starts before my dive, so let me tell you. Mom invited some of her friend, and therefore some of my friends (I like how that works) to come swimming today! Walker and I love to swim but it is so much better when I have my friends here. So N and A came over with AG. The weather was a little gloomy but the pool felt great! My friends and I were having so much fun. Here is N showing us his signature smile:

And here is A. She looks like she's screaming but she's not mad. She kept making me laugh!

This is AG and his Mom. His Mom is really nice and lets me come over a play a lot. She even thinks I'm nice!

After we swam for a while I got done. I'd been swimming the night before and wasn't really excited to be in there for too long. So Mom took me inside and changed my clothes. She also let me bring out a couple of trucks. I think she was just being nice but not being so smart.

About five minutes after we'd been back out there I drove my truck right into the water, and took my first dive! I was not very happy about it and have told everyone I can about it. Fortunately N and A's Mom was right there and got me out of the water fast. I was pretty mad, especially when Mom did not really react and immediately went to go get the camera. I cheered up though as soon as I realized how funny it was. Plus Mom showed me the picture and you all know how much I love seeing myself!

We got to have lunch together too! My days are a lot better when my friends are around. It was funny because AG asked for ketchup for his carrots. I thought that was weird at first, especially because I don't like to eat my carrots. Then I saw his genius! You use the carrots as a ketchup delivery system! Just dip, eat the ketchup, and reuse. Brilliant! By the end of lunch we were all doing it.

It was such a fun day and I am hoping that my friends will come back this week and swim some more. We'll have to see if I can get Mom in a good mood!


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Tuesday, July 4, 2006

I'm a Yankee Doodle Sweetheart!

Hi Friends,

It has been such a glorious day! I cannot believe that I've missed lots of July 4ths before this one! I mean, watching Dad, RyRy, and Victoria get so thrilled just to light things on fire was worth all the wait! Not to mention how cool the fireworks were!

There are lots of pictures so I'll let the pictures do most of the talking. I just can't wait now for the 24th of July when we get to do some more fireworks!

Happy 4th of July to each of you!
Walker Ryan

Grandma Steph made us a really good dinner. I had a little bit of everything!

It wasn't long after dinner when the firecrackers got started!
Will was a little scared of them.

The party then moved to the street! PARTY!!!

Here's the newlyweds getting their flame on:

Will really wanted to watch the firecrackers but from a distance. I was so bummed because had they given me a firecracker I would have loved it. I only got to watch.

Mom finally let me get kind of close. I just wanted to grab on and, well, probably eat them!

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Monday, July 3, 2006

Housekeeping 101

I know my Mom and Dad do a lot around the house, but really how hard can it be? Mom thinks I'm afraid of the vacuum, but really I just know that if I act afraid them I get out of the housework. Today though I had to show her how to do it. Every day she vacuums but I just know the better way to do it.

Let me demonstrate:

First, you get the vacuum out and stretch it:

Then you take the vacuum and drag it around on the floor:

And then you vacuum in all of the hard to reach places:

That is Housekeeping 101. You can thank me later Mom!


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