Thursday, June 14, 2007

Daddy's work!

We got to visit Daddy today at his work. I am really proud of my Dad and his new job. He took me inside and introduced me to all of his work friends. They were all really nice to me. Ed even gave me a car to play with - and then he let me take it home! Joe has some pretty cool motorcycles that vroom all by themselves!

Daddy has been working really hard at his new job. He leaves before we wake up and then he gets home at dinner time. I know that it is really hard for him, and sometimes I am not very nice when he comes home. I know that he loves me though. He calls me from work during the day to check in on me - and then he takes me to the park sometimes at night.

I hope Mom takes us back to visit Dad again soon!


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Monday, June 4, 2007

CA: The List

I haven't had the time I need to blog sufficiently about our move here to CA. However, in response to a friend's email I created this list, which I thought explained our first three weeks living here really well. Enjoy!

Number of times we've ridden the bus: 2
Number of times we've eaten as a family: 14 (plus weekends)
Number of times a kid has fallen into the pool: 1
Number of times a kid has escaped and run down the street: 7
Number of museums we've been to: 5
Number of times Will has told us that he hears the doves: ENDLESS
Number of story times we've been to: 4
Number of kid proof door handles we've bought: 7
Number of door handles in the house: 9
Number of friends the boys' have made: 4
Number of new teeth Walker has: 1
Number of celiac disease books I've purchased: 6
Number of celiac disease books I've read: 3/4 of 1
Number of new recipes I've tried: 5
Number of times I've seen Wicked: 1
Number of nights Will has slept with us: 7 (and counting....)
Number of times I've mowed the lawn: 3
Number of times I've moved the lawn with Walker on my shoulders: 3
Number of times we've played hide-and-seek in the backyard: 2
Number of trips to the beach: 1 (I know, we're lacking in that area)
Number of times I've been glad that we are here: every day
Number of times I wish we were somewhere else: every once in a while (usually when paying for parking or looking at smog)

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Sunday, June 3, 2007

My bed, my castle...

(and yes, I am totally and completely asleep- it is amazing that I could take the picture and type this blog all while being asleep!)

