Cutest Patient EVER!!
Don't make the mistake of calling Will's Tuesday adventure a 'procedure' or a 'surgery'. He'll be the first to correct you and tell you that he had a biopsy. It always reminds me of this scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding and sometimes he even starts pronouncing like she does.
Will's endoscopy/biopsy went really well yesterday. We got to the hospital at 6:10am with both boys. We were a little bit nervous because Will had woken up in the middle of the night with a bad cough. Dr. Berry had warned us that the anesthesiologist might not allow the procedure (oh, excuse me), BIOPSY, to happen if Will was sick. It was pretty obvious that Will did not feel good but we figured we'd head to the hospital rather than cancel. Still we were hoping not to get sent home!!
After getting checked in Eric and Will went into the back to get changed and check-in. The nurse, Nina, was incredibly nice and helpful. Will looked dang cute in his little hospital get-up, except for the pale face and red eyes from his cold.

The nurse checked his temperature, and there wasn't one, so the anesthesiologist, Dr. Nargaphan came out to talk with Eric and I. She said that she was worried about doing it but that she'd take him back. If he continued to cough in the surgery room they'd suspend the procedure and do it another day. She explained the risks and we agreed to continue.
I went back to sit with Will until they took him back. He wasn't nervous at all, and quite enjoyed banging on his little crib bed. Nurse Nina let him pick out a flavor for them to put in his mask. This would help him keep it on and let the anesthetic in. He chose chocolate - go figure!

I'll admit to being a little nervous as they pulled Will away. Especially with him having a cold I did not want anything to go wrong. Dr. Berry came out to say hi before they went into the room.

Will was out within a half of an hour. Dr. Berry came out first to tell us about the visual results. He said that Will's esophagus, stomach, and intestine look consistan with any three year old. This was what Dr. Berry had expected since damage to the intestine at this age is no visual.
Dr. Nargaphan came out next to tell us about his progress. Will did not cough once they go into the room so she felt comfy to do the procedure. We were just instructed to watch his breathing for the rest of the day. He did not have too bad of a time coming out of the anesthetic, which they had warned us about. He did ask for Eric a few times - which was funny because Eric thought Will would want me to be back there. After about ten minutes he had calmed down - this was helped after they took out his IV which he had been trying to pull out.
He spent most of the day lounging around. This was no doubt caused by his cold and not the biopsy but either way he was happy just to rest.
We will find out the results from the biopsy, as well as some other tests that we've done, on October 8th! We'll keep you all posted for that.
Thanks for all the love and concern!
Labels: Celiac, Developing, Will
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