What kind of Berry are you?
One of the hardest parts of a move is leaving behind everyone you love. That includes medical professionals. In our former home state was leaving behind the therapists, pediatrician, Ob/Gyn, and Internal Med doctors that we had grown to trust and admire. Really - if you ask me what one of the most nerve-wracking parts of moving was I would honestly say leaving the Doctors.
Especially once Will was diagnosed with Celiac disease. So after a summer of research we found a doctor that we love.
Dr. Berry.
We went for our first appointment with Will today. Will and Walker had a great time trying to guess what kind of berry Dr. Berry is. They agreed on strawberry before he walked in.

The great news is that we already have a biopsy date scheduled! I love efficiency.
Speaking of efficiency - something happened at the Dr's office that reminds me of the flexibility and effectiveness we learn as parents.
After having been at the Doctor for a much longer time that anticipated we were informed that we needed to wait 45-60 minutes to get into the lab. All we needed from the lab was lovely stool sample kits. Still, it was a 45-60 minute wait. I was pretty bummed, both because of the wait, but also because it meant I'd have to collect stool (#1) and then drive back the hour back to the hospital (#2) within three hours of collecting the 'sample' (#3).
So I took the boys down to the cafe to get some food (if that is what you call it) and get their energy out. The lab said they'd page me if our turn rolled around. Well, our turn came, they didn't page me, then they put our records back since we didn't 'respond', and Will tells me he needs to go poo. After telling the lab front desk that we were in fact there I rushed to the bathroom to help Will. Turns out he didn't quite make it to the potty.
As I pull off the offensive underwear and move to through them into the potty, I realize 'This IS a stool sample!' I stare at the mess and wonder if my plan will really work. Soon enough I'm walking through the hall with the underwear wrapped in a paper towel. The nurse gives me the ok (I was worried about contamination) and I head to the lab. Never have I felt the seas part the way I did today. People just moved right out of my way (wonder why?) and I marched my way up to the lab.
Needless to say I smiled the entire time I was putting the 'sample' from the undies to the collection cups. Efficiency. Gets me smiling every time.

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