Random pieces of information...
* Will has been sick (again) for the past couple of days. Poor guy. He does love the extra attention though.
* Walker is off the binky! My Dad started in on Friday when he just put him to bed without it - and succeeded! When he asks for it, which is relatively rare, I tell him that his binkies have moved on to a new baby who needs them. That usually works though one time Walker retorted with 'Mom. I need to lay in my crib. I'm a baby.' Yeah, he's smarter than me already.

* According to my iPod** the most frequently played song is (drum roll please): 'Eric Singing the Lullabies'. It has been played an amazing 5, 895 times. No I'm not grooving to the sounds of Eric singing Once There Was a Snowman - we play it when the boys go to bed sometimes. 5,895 times evidently. The closest ones to that are 'Grace Kelly' - Mika (34 plays), 'Sin Sin Sin' - Robbie Williams (32 plays), and 'Credits' - Dario Marianelli/Pride & prejudice Soundtrack (30 plays).

* We are potty training Walker right now and have managed (cross your fingers) NOT to flush any underbunders down the toilet.
* Two favorite words in our house right now are Will's 'eitherwise' and Walker's 'Timpanogos'.
* We decided to hold our annual Chinese New Year party again this year! If you are in the same general area that we are and would like to come - we'd love it. Just let me know. (February 16th @ 5:30pm)
* Will likes to furrow his brow and pretend to be mad. He's often asking 'Do you understand what I am saying Mom/Dad?'
* Walker is already a teenager. He blatantly refuses to do things, gives you an evil eye, and is often running into runs and slamming doors. Hum...
Speaking of potty training my sister-in-law Ali sent us this video link. It is hilarious! I've also included the second one where they discuss
Japanese Potty Training Video: At Home
(use of a minor swear word in the subtitles - probably not for readers!!)
Japanese Potty Training Video: In Public
(use of 's' swear word in the subtitles - for adult laughter purposes only!! Plus the squatty-potty would only confuse kids.)
**Happy thoughts and well-wishes are needed for my iPod which is a 1st generation that Eric got while working for Apple. It is slowly ending it's run. I need it last a few more months.**
Labels: Daddy B, Developing, Momma B, Walker, Will
Timpanogos like the Utah mountain? That's great!
Maybe Walker needs you and Eric to dance around him while he goes to the bathroom and sing this "wee wee, pee pee" song!
Hope Will feels better soon and that your iPod survives! I will keep appendages crossed.
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